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Environmental Researcher

  Great! You are our Environmental Researcher!
  You will learn about how sediments wash into the reef by natural processes such as erosion and flooding, and how humans can also increase the
  amount of sediments and nutrients that are washed into our reef from coastal developments and farming.



Learn about
sediments and nutrients and why it has a negative impact on water quality and reef 
       life. Click here to watch a video that explains this process.

Steve Palumbi is a marine biologist and will explain how coastal developments negatively effect
        the growth of coral reefs. Click here to watch his video.

Click here to see an example of how coastal development in our local area affects the quality of 

Flooding also affects the quality of water entering the reef. 



Now that you know some of the problems posed by erosion and coastal developments, you need to start thinking about some solutions.  


  TIP: Here are some hints for preventing erosion.


   You will have to brainstorm some ideas on your own before you work with your group
   to come up with appropriate solutions to save the reefs water quality. 

   It may be useful to know the answers to these questions before you move on:

  •    What are the risks of coastal developments to the quality of reef water?
  •    What impact does high nutrient levels in the water have on reef life?
  •    How does erosion negatively impact water quality?
  •    What are some problems caused by 'murky water' (water with a high amount of

  Click here if you are ready to continue.