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 Click on your expert role to begin!

  Expert One
  Environmental Researcher

  Researches the impacts on water quality  
  caused by coastal development and erosion.


Expert Two
Waste Management Specialist

Expert on land based pollution and its effect on the Great Barrier Reef.

Expert Three
Marine Environmentalist Consultant

Expert on pollution contributed by recreational and commercial users of the Great Barrier Reef.


  You will become an expert on the impact of  
  the following on water quality and the reef:
  • Coastal Developments
  • Flooding
  • The effect of erosion and how it is linked to high sediment and nutrient levels

You will become an expert on the impact of the following on water quality and the reef:

  • Agricultural Practices that involve pesticides 
  • Littering/Pollution through stormwater and sewage systems
  • Use of harmful chemicals and oils

You will become an expert on the impact of the following on water quality and the reef:

  • Commercial Fishing/Mining Industries
  • Tourism Industry
  • Recreational users of the Great Barrier Reef